Norwegian Forest breeders in Madrid

Arashi Erend

Nacimiento/Birthdate: 27/01/2024
Sexo/Sex: Macho/Male 
Color EMS/Code: NFO n 09 22 (Negro tabby spotted+ blanco/Black Spotted Tabby + white)
Salud/Health: Todo normal. GSD-IV N/N ☀️ FelV-FiVHV free ☀️PK def N/N ☀️HCM (parents) Normal

Padres/Parents: Arashi Alina Starkov ♥ Kisping Czarlandia*PL


Pedigree PAWPEDS

Erend es un auténtico osito-gatito Bosque de Noruega, pachorrón y comilón, con una cara adorable de modelo de calendario para todos los públicos. Como su hermano Varl, también ostenta una adorable punta de colita metida en un bote de pintura blanca.


Erend is an authentic Norwegian Forest teddybear-kitten, lazy and food loving, with an adorable expression and face that seems just out of a cutesy animals wall calendar. Like his bro Varl, he also wags around the tip of his tail reminding a brush dipped in a white paint can.

Image Gallery

Bosque Arashi

Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders in Madrid (Spain)
TICA breeder 21008 - FIFE breeder 2021
[email protected]