Norwegian Forest breeders in Madrid

International Breeders

Here's a list of our trusted international breeders in alphabetical order

Beaver Bobcats

Here lives Pepper Potts, the sister of our Black Widow, with Katharina and her family (Austria)

Dakota Plains

Ruby and her family live with our Simon and our Jaina in Rosholt (S.Dakota/USA)

Dakota Plains

Furry Heaven

Here is where Crowley lives with our friends Dionne and Ronald (Dordrecht)

Of Matrix Castle

Our Elena lives here as a breeding Queen with Gabi, Sarah and their family (Germany)

Of Matrix Castle

Patchouli Cattery

Arashi Lara Croft lives with Biljana and her family in Belgrade.

Patchouli Cattery

Skarb Polany

Our Kaz lives here as a breeding stud with Kate

Skarb Polany

Sweet Wolverines

This is the cattery of Pia and family in Sweden, Blackie comes from here.

Sweet Wolverines


Arashi Claire Novak and Arashi Yennefer live with our friend Anne Meurs in the Netherlands

Cattery Variegata

Bosque Arashi

Norwegian Forest Cat Breeders in Madrid (Spain)
TICA breeder 21008 - FIFE breeder 2021
[email protected]