Gatos Bosque de Noruega en Madrid

Sombra Asia

Birthdate: 13 Feb 2001
Sex: Spayed female
EMS color code: NFO n 09 (Black and white).
GSD-IV N/N, HCM Normal, PK def N/N 

Pedigree Pawpeds


About Sombra: She was our first Norwegian Forest Cat, came to live with us in 2001, although we already had noticed the breed and were fans since 1999. Back then it wasn't a common breed in Spain and there were just a couple NFO breeders. We fell in love with her intelligence and attitude and she introduced in us the love for this breed; she's the reason why we wanted to help preserving the breed in the first place. We are so sad because she died almost at the age of 17... It is quite a long lifespan, but we always want our cats to live the longest time possible. She will remain forever in our hearts.

Galería de imágenes

Bosque Arashi

Criadores de gatos Bosque de Noruega en Madrid
Afijo TICA 21008 - Afijo FIFE 2021
[email protected]