Gatos Bosque de Noruega en Madrid

♂ Arashi Thrall

DoB: 23/08/2016
Sex: Male
Color EMS Code: NFO ds 09 
Health: Todo normal. GSD-IV N/N ☀️ FelV-FiVHV free ☀️PK def N/N ☀️ HCM free

Pedigree Pawpeds


Thrall is the biggest cat born home so far. His temperament is very calm and loving, his body long and his boning very robust. He has inherited the superb quality of Mom's coat and he is a stud that never loses his condition and appetite. His look and expression reminds those of several red ancestors. He is a dream for us and the future of our cattery ♥


Galería de imágenes

Bosque Arashi

Criadores de gatos Bosque de Noruega en Madrid
Afijo TICA 21008 - Afijo FIFE 2021
[email protected]