Gatos Bosque de Noruega en Madrid

♀ Arashi Kaylee Frye

Birthdate: 14 Jul 2015
Sex: Female
EMS: NFO n 09 23 (Black Tabby Mackerel w. White)
Health: GSD-IV N/N ☀️ FelV-FiVHV free ☀️PK def N/N ☀️ HCM Normal (Jul 2016 A. Casasús)
Father: Old School Tree House*ES  ♥  Mother: D*Muffins' Audrey Hepburn

Pedigree Pawpeds


Kaylee is a calm cute youngster with many promising qualities and the first daughter of Audrey that we are keeping that resembles a lot his Dad's good looks. She's got lovely oblique almond eyes that we love in a Norwegian Forest Cat, a nice triangular framed head, a strong chin, classic NFO ears, good boning and what is most important in our breeding, a lovely temperament, purring, balanced, curious, and very glad to accept all our family members.


Galería de imágenes

Bosque Arashi

Criadores de gatos Bosque de Noruega en Madrid
Afijo TICA 21008 - Afijo FIFE 2021
[email protected]